Internship Learning Contract

The completed Learning Contract will become the guiding document, much like a syllabus, for the learning outcomes and assessment of your internship experience. Prior to your participation in the practicum/internship experience, your contract must be submitted and then approved by your Faculty Supervisor and On-Site Supervisor, and the Associate Dean for Learning, Calling, and Career. Once approved, you will receive an e-mail notification and you will be registered for the appropriate internship course in your major.

Before completing the contract, please be prepared to provide the following:

  • Confirmation that you have reviewed the Internship Manual and have spoken with your faculty advisor about this internship opportunity
  • Names and contact information for each supervisor
  • Summary of intern’s responsibilities
  • SMART Goals* for development of interpersonal skills and personal qualities desired by all employers
  • SMART Goals* for development of industry specific skills related to your major

*(See pp. 8-10 of Internship Manual for guide to writing SMART goals)