
To cultivate a vibrant spiritual and communal life, all-campus convocations are held each month, featuring Christian thought leaders and Gospel-centered lectures. All full-time undergraduate students must earn five convocation credits each semester.

Fall 2024 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all convocations will take place at 10:00 a.m. in Graham Chapel with overflow to Gaither Fellowship Hall

  • August 21, 2024: Dr. Paul J. Maurer | President, Montreat College (Opening Convocation will be held in Anderson Auditorium)
  • September 4, 2024: Kobe Campbell | Therapist, author
  • October 2, 2024: Vincent Phillip Muñoz | Notre Dame political scientist
  • November 6, 2024: Kobe Campbell | Therapist, author
  • December 4, 2024: Senior Convocation | Senior Stories

Convocation Summary

This policy applies to all full-time, undergraduate students as of August 2023.

  • 5 convocation credits are required per semester. There will be 7-10 opportunities to accumulate convocation credits each semester.
  • Eligible events include opening academic convocations, First Wednesdays, the Thielman Lecture Series, the Alpha Film Series, and any other events specified on the official convocation calendar published each semester.
    • Note: Participation in Alpha is limited to a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, email Rachel at

For more information, including delinquency consequences, see below or visit the FAQs page.

Convocation Policy

Montreat College is committed to teaching our students to engage culture within the context of a Christ-centered worldview. This structure creates intentional opportunities to lean into this commitment by consistently integrating intellectual inquiry, spiritual formation, and calling and career.

The official Convocation Calendar consists of the following events:

  • All-Campus Convocations. Each semester, five (5) all-campus convocations will be held in Anderson Auditorium. These will include:
    • Opening Convocation at the start of each semester
    • First Wednesdays. On the first Wednesday of each month, Christian thought leaders selected by a committee deliver challenging, gospel-centered lectures to enrich the intellectual and spiritual life of the community. All campus offices, the library, athletics facilities, and the dining hall will close during these convocations. All students and employees are asked to make attendance at these events a priority. Meetings/practices/etc. should NOT be scheduled in conflict with any convocation.
  • Other designated events, per the official Convocation Calendar. These events may include (but are not limited to) the Alpha Film Series and Honors Lectures. Each semester will have approximately 7-10 convocation credit opportunities.
  • Note: All campus worship services (specifically Chapel and Compline) are optional and NOT designated as convocation credit.

All full-time, undergraduate students are required to accumulate five (5) convocation credits per semester. No student may graduate without meeting the convocation requirement. Students with degree-required internships, student teaching responsibilities, and some commuters with extenuating circumstances may be eligible for an exemption by submitting a written request to the Dean of Spiritual Formation prior to registration or no later than one week following the beginning of classes each semester. Athletic teams required to travel during a convocation for in-season competition will be provided with an alternative option to receive credit upon request. Should any student fail to comply with the convocation requirement, a $50 fine will be charged to his or her student account per missed credit. If a student does not wish to pay the fine for any reason, he or she may pursue one of two alternatives:

  1. Complete a written assignment to be determined by the Dean of Spiritual Formation. The length of this assignment will be based on the total credits missed, is due prior to the end of finals week, and must be requested from the Dean of Spiritual Formation prior to the last chapel of the semester. The fine will be removed from the student’s account once he or she has completed the assignment to the satisfaction of the Dean of Spiritual Formation.
  2. Complete two hours of community service per missed credit. All community service hours must be pre-approved by the Dean of Spiritual Formation prior to the last chapel of the semester to receive credit and are due prior to the end of finals week.