2024-2025 Academic Year
I. Overview Statement
Montreat College vehicle regulations are intended to assist in providing a safe and orderly campus for everyone. All students, employees, guests, contractors and college community members should familiarize themselves with the following regulations and abide by them at all times.
The roads and parking areas on campus are used for pedestrian as well as vehicular traffic; all vehicles shall be operated up to a maximum of 20 mph on or adjacent the college property while respecting designated signs for slower speeds or when necessary for safety. Vehicles must yield to pedestrians.
Parking is limited on the campus, and consequently requires additional rules and regulations designed to allow operations to continue with as little disruption as possible. Parking permits are issued on a school-year basis and must be displayed when parking on any college campus or college-leased property. Parking is a privilege on college property, not a right. Seatbelts must be worn at all times by all occupants of moving vehicles. Vehicles that do not adhere to these parking policies are subject to removal and temporary or permanent banning. Students who do not follow the vehicle policies of the school and motor vehicle law are subject to fines, school discipline, and police involvement.
Unlawful, unsafe, or disruptive actions such as reckless driving, driving while impaired, speeding, hanging over or standing up in moving truck beds, hanging out of moving vehicles, spinning tires, violation of traffic laws, and parking in fire lanes may result in vehicle privilege revocation. Loud music, horns, and/or yelling from vehicles is prohibited by the school and local ordinances. Montreat College’s Campus Police and Safety department as well as the Town of Montreat Police Department patrol the parking areas and motorways. Illegal and unsafe motor vehicle driver behaviors can be prosecuted.
From 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, students and employees may park only in designated lots. After 5:30 p.m., parking in campus lots is open except for areas designated for student housing, for official college vehicles, reserved spaces, designated fire lanes, designated handicapped parking spaces, and all areas restricted from any parking at any time.
Montreat College vehicle regulations also respect all traffic laws which are in effect for the Town of Montreat and State of North Carolina. Montreat College police officers are authorized to issue state summonses for violations of both criminal and traffic laws. Any state summons which is issued will result in a court appearance in Buncombe County District Court.
II. Liability Statement
Please be aware that the college does not take responsibility for vehicles or contents therein while parked on or adjacent to campus. Vehicles parked on Montreat College campus property are at their own risk. All vehicle operators should lock or otherwise secure their vehicles when parked on campus.
The issuance of parking privileges, and the charging of fees for parking, in no way implies that the College assumes liability for care or protection of vehicles parked on Montreat College property. Any damage to a vehicle parked in Montreat College lots is the responsibility of the owner or the person who caused the damage, if known. Any questions about parking rules and regulations, contact the Student Life office at 828-419-2031.
III. Registration Process, Regulations & Fees
All members of the Montreat College community (employees, residential students and commuters) must complete the Vehicle Registration Form whether they have a vehicle or not. Those who do not have a vehicle to register, must declare so on the form, and acknowledge their understanding of all college parking policies. Those who will be parking or driving on campus or parking at any college-leased property for any length of time must register their vehicle online, pay the general student fee, and receive a parking sticker. Failure to properly register a vehicle and/or adhere to the parking policy may result in fines, fees, or tickets. The student may also be subject to additional disciplinary action based on the college’s student conduct policy.
A valid Montreat College issued parking sticker must be clearly displayed at all times in the lower left side of the rear window of the vehicle on file with the college. The parking sticker is valid for the academic year only.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, the general student fee covers student parking and shuttle privileges. The general student fee is processed administratively at the beginning of each semester and added to the student’s account as are all student fees outlined in the Academic Catalog. If a student graduates or withdraws in December, he or she will not be billed for the spring semester.
Employees are not charged a registration fee and the employee parking sticker has no expiration as long as one remains employed with the college. Issuance of parking privileges does not guarantee a place to park on the campus and lack of space is not a valid excuse for parking in violation of regulations.
Registration Process
- All students and employees must complete the electronic Vehicle Policy Acknowledgement Form indicating that they understand the college’s current regulations and guidelines for parking before being issued a parking sticker. Failure to register a vehicle will result in a fine (see fines section).
- Forms for students or staff can be completed at the Montreat College Parking Permits form. The link location can be found under the MyMontreat or Campus Safety section of the college website. This form must be completed in full before a sticker will be provided.
- Once the form is completed, the Student Life Office will provide a parking sticker for the vehicle which must be immediately placed on the vehicle on the lower left side of the rear window. In most cases, parking stickers for incoming or returning students are provided during registration (August or January). Outside of the normal registration times, it is the responsibility of the student and/or employee to visit Student Life for the sticker.All students must pick up his/her parking sticker within 5 business days from the first day of classes each semester.
Registration Regulations
- All employees must complete vehicle registration and will be subject to the unregistered vehicle fine until completed. Employees can be issued up to two stickers but only one car can be on campus at a time (exceptions may include special events such as music events, athletic events, or the employee Christmas party). Employee parking privileges do not extend to students.
- Parking permits (stickers) must be clearly displayed in the lower left side of the rear window of the vehicle (not bumper, front window, or side windows) so that the sticker is clearly visible but not impeding driver safety. The permit must be firmly affixed to the vehicle. Placement in any other location is a violation and may result in a fine for permit not displayed. Note: If the vehicle registered is a soft top convertible with a small collapsible window, security may on a case by case basis allow the decal to be affixed to a different location at the direction of the Campus Police.
- Motorcycles and scooters are also vehicles and must be registered. The sticker must be affixed to the front fork or front portion of the scooter. At no time should motorcycles or scooters be parked on sidewalks, grass or other landscape. Any questions should be referred to Campus Police.
- Failure to have a permit on a vehicle, though registered, will result in a fine. If your parking permit is lost or stolen, a new one can be issued by the Student Life Office. Parking Permits are valid for one academic year (i.e. 23-24; note: employee permits are valid indefinitely for the employee and subject to any future changes in parking policy. Employees will be notified of substantive changes).
- College students can only have one vehicle registered at a time. One vehicle/student also applies to motorcycles and scooters.
- Permits are non-transferable. Permits may not be shared from car to car. If a new vehicle is obtained or a decal is lost or defaced, a new decal must be obtained. A $25 replacement fee will be charged to issue a new sticker. Decals must correspond at all times with the license plate and the vehicle for which it was issued. If a student or employee changes cars or changes their license plate, it is his/her responsibility to notify Student Life of the updated information. New license numbers must be reported immediately to Student Life. Improper transferring of an issued decal, attempted removal of another vehicle’s decal, or tampering with temporary permits will result in disciplinary actions which could include loss of campus vehicle privileges and/or fines.
- Remember all cars MUST be registered.
Parking Pass System
Gold Pass: Montreat campus in designated parking areas
Silver Pass: Day pass is for commuter students in designated locations on Montreat campus
from 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. — NO OVERNIGHT PARKING
Blue Pass: Black Mountain campus
Green Pass: employees
Parking Pass Prioritization
Parking pass priority is given to students based on 1) date of entry, and; 2) earned college credit hours.
Note: Silver – Day Pass – If a Silver commuter pass holder has a school-sponsored overnight trip, the silver pass holder may park in the Belk parking lot. If ticketed, the student may appeal. Freshman who are living in Honors Lodges are eligible for a Gold pass.
With limited parking on the Montreat campus, new students (first time freshman and transfers in August will be eligible for the blue parking pass (freshman student status is defined by 29 or fewer earned college credits). Should additional gold spaces become available, the Student Life office will maintain a waitlist and priority will be given to transfer students. The college does provide a shuttle service for students to get to Black Mountain and the Black Mountain campus to access his/her vehicle in the designated ‘Blue’ parking areas.
Remember all cars MUST be registered.
IV. Handicapped Parking
Handicapped parking is enforced and requires a state handicap parking permit. Parking in a designated handicapped parking spot without the proper permit displayed may result in an automatic fine. Handicapped parking violations cannot be appealed.
V. Visitor Parking
Visitors should have a visitor tag clearly displayed on their vehicle. Visitor day passes are available from Student Life, the President’s Office, or Advancement. Visitor Day passes will need to be placed on the rear view mirror by the guest.
VI. Parking Areas
Please refer to the college map for designated parking lots. Alternative Housing (i.e. Webbwood, Anderson House, and Lookout Lodge) residents must register their car. Montreat College students and their guests must abide by all parking policies including parking only in spaces designated specifically for their use.
- No student vehicles are allowed in Faculty/Staff marked spaces or lots between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. After 5:30 p.m. and until 7 a.m. students may use Faculty/Staff marked spaces. After 7 a.m. all student vehicles must be removed from Faculty/Staff reserved parking or the vehicle is subject to a violation. Residence Director parking spaces and designated maintenance parking spaces are reserved 24 hours per day.
- Fire lanes are marked by a sign or red paint on the curb or asphalt. Only fire or other emergency vehicles may park in fire lanes. Parking in a fire lane will result in a $150 citation and the vehicle towed (note: this $150 fine does not include towing expenses for the towed vehicle).
Special Event Parking
On occasion, the college will host events which may bring many visitors to campus. Special Event parking procedures will take place to ensure visitors as well as students and employees have a place on or near campus. There may be instances where the shuttle service will assist students and/or employees with getting to campus from remote locations in Montreat or Black Mountain.
VII. Breaks and Holidays
Students and employees needing to leave a vehicle on campus during an official college break or holiday may do so upon being granted permission in advance by the Campus Police department with basic vehicle info and contact information.
VIII. Campus Regulations, Violations, Fines, Booting, and Towing
Campus regulations:
- Drivers of all vehicles must obey campus speed limits on posted signs.
- Drivers of all vehicles must yield the right of way to pedestrians.
- Driving and/or parking on sidewalks is prohibited.
- Parking on the grass for any reason is prohibited.
- All vehicles must be registered.
- The registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for how and where it is parked or driven on campus, even when the vehicle is loaned to another.
- Parking stickers must be clearly visible with the number facing outward in the left rear window of the car. Scooters/motorcycles should display their sticker affixed to the front fork or front portion of the scooter.
- All vehicles must have a valid license plate.
- Students must comply when asked to move a vehicle for a campus-wide event, for road repair/construction, or for any other reason deemed necessary by Campus Police.
- Second or subsequent violations for failure to register will result in student loss of parking permit privileges unless all backlog fines are paid in full. If a vehicle is parked on campus after being rejected, it is subject to immediate towing.
- When discovered that a student has attempted to subvert the registration requirement for a vehicle, this is a violation of student conduct rules and subject to college disciplinary procedures.
Fines Applicable Students and Employees
- Unregistered vehicle/no parking permit $150
- Determine ownership of unregistered car $100
- Car registered but no sticker on car $100
- Parking in a designated Visitor Parking spot $150
- No parking zone (fire lane, non-designated space) $150 and possible tow
- Handicap zone $150
- Blocking traffic $150 and tow if not moved
- Parking in a reserved parking spot $100
- Failure to notify college of changing cars and/or license plate $100
- Replacement of lost or damaged sticker $25
- Altering of permit $200. This is a violation of student conduct rules and subject to college disciplinary procedures.
Parking citations issued to students will be directly charged to the student’s account.
Additional citation expenses will be added as needed by the Parking Task Force.
Towing Policy
The college reserves the right to tow any vehicle in violation of the current parking policy/regulations. The college also reserves the right to tow any vehicle that is a threat to safety, the environment, or creating a nuisance noise. Charges incurred for storage and/or towing will be at the vehicle owner’s expense. The authority to tow vehicles resides with the Campus Police Department and of the Dean of Students. In instances where a vehicle is violating college or town parking policy in a public road or area, the Town of Montreat Police, in conjunction with Campus Police, also has the authority to tow.
When a registered vehicle receives (3) citations and an unregistered vehicle receives (3) citations during the academic year, the vehicle can be booted, banned, or towed off campus. The vehicle owner will be responsible for any towing costs, storage costs, etc. and these costs cannot be appealed. The student may also be subject to additional disciplinary action based on the college’s student conduct policy.
1. Vehicles that are double parked; blocking doors or dumpsters; or parked in traffic lanes may be towed at the owner’s expense.
2. Unregistered vehicles can be booted. Cars that have been booted may be released by the Campus Police, after payment of a fee and proper registration of the vehicle (if permitted).
3. Vehicles belonging to chronic violators of parking regulations (3 or more violations) may be towed or booted at any time, at the owner’s expense, and campus parking privileges may be revoked.
VIII. Appeals Procedure
The Student Life Office will support and manage the appeals process.
1. An email notice will be sent to each registered address when a ticket is issued notifying them of the violation, location, procedure to pay for the ticket online and informal appeals procedure.
Students are able to appeal their ticket by following the link at the bottom of the email or the bottom of the ticket.
2. All appeals must be made within 10 business days of receipt/ 14 calendar days. Any appeal past that point will not be heard.
3. Appeals may be made directly from the website listed in the email.
4. Appeals will be reviewed by a committee of your peers and Montreat staff.
5. There are monthly Parking Committee meetings. Appeals are discussed in that meeting for the current month. Once that month is over, the appeals are locked, and the appeal will not be heard. Notice of your appeal status will be sent within 72 hours of the decision.
IX. Refunds
Consistent with the stated Academic Catalog’s refund/repayment policy, fees are nonrefundable once classes begin. If you have any questions about parking policy rules and regulations, please contact the Student Life office at 828-419-2031.