Associate Degrees

You can enroll in a two-year program that looks like a typical freshman–sophomore track—but it awards an Associate Degree after your second year. You can then enter the workforce, or your can enter your junior year. Or both.

Montreat College’s Associate Degrees are designed to provide breadth in general education and allow for the amount of specialization necessary in preparation for a major field in the junior and senior years. The courses represent those offered by major colleges and universities in freshman and sophomore years.

We offer Associate of Arts programs and Associate of Science programs. To earn either degree, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Earn a minimum of 60 academic hours of credit.
  • Successfully complete all courses listed as basic degree requirements.
  • Present a grade of “C” or better on transfer hours accepted and a cumulative gpa of 2.0 on all work attempted for a degree at Montreat College.
  • Earn a minimum of 24 semester hours at Montreat College.
  • Complete an “Application for Graduation” form during the registration period for the semester immediately prior to the date the degree is to be granted.
  • Successfully fulfill area knowledge competency requirements (mathematical computation, oral expression, reading, writing, and computer literacy).
  • Students are normally subject to the academic requirements stated in the current catalog when they matriculated. A student who leaves the college and is later readmitted must meet the requirements current at the time of readmission. It is each student’s responsibility to be sure all degree requirements are met.

NOTE: Students who leave Montreat College with less than 64 hours or less than a 2.0 grade point average may enroll in another institution and transfer back a maximum of 12 semester hours toward a degree at Montreat College.

Associate of Arts

The Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree requires foreign language proficiency through the 200 level. A proficiency examination is required to enroll in a foreign language beyond the elementary level.

Associate of Science

The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree has no foreign language requirement. Students pursuing this degree must take more courses in other areas in order to fill the total credit requirement.

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