A reception honoring the retirements of Dr. Linda Neuzil and Dr. John “Hub” Powell from the Montreat College faculty was held on the afternoon of May 2, 2023, in the Gaither Fellowship Hall.
President Paul Maurer presided over the brief ceremony, which was attended by faculty, staff, and students, who came together to honor and recognize the outstanding careers of two accomplished professors.
An Associate Professor of Education, Dr. Neuzil joined the Montreat faculty in 2015 and immediately began renewing Montreat’s elementary education teacher program, which had been discontinued.
“The program needed a total reboot, and Linda was the one who came to provide tremendous leadership during that process,” President Maurer said. “It’s one thing to resurrect a program. It’s another thing to reshape the reputation of an education program, and what she did was a very big deal for Montreat College.”
Dr. Neuzil also selflessly served as the Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs for a while, taking on additional responsibilities beyond her teaching duties for the greater good of the institution.
“Linda is well-known around campus as a nurturing, Christ-centered woman who is enthusiastic and joyful in all of her work,” expressed President Maurer, “so we wish you well in this new season of life.”
A Professor of Business, Dr. John “Hub” Powell, who joked he’s only called John when he’s in trouble, came to Montreat College in 2005 and has held the position of Chair of the Business Department from 2012 to 2022. Additionally, he has served as a business consultant for Clemson University’s Small Business Development Center and as a production manager for Milliken & Company, an industrial manufacturer that specializes in floor coverings and textile materials.
“Hub is an overt and unapologetic champion for free markets and free enterprise with a biblical perspective,” praised President Maurer. “For the last decade, he has led the Business Department with exceptional leadership and philosophy, including overseeing our adult and graduate studies becoming their own separate faculty and Business Department.”
In addition, Dr. Powell has served as the inaugural head coach of Montreat’s Clay Target Shooting since the team was formed in the spring of 2020, and he will continue to serve in that capacity. This season, the Cavaliers placed fourth among 11 teams in their competitive bracket at the NCSSAA Collegiate Nationals.
“Personally, Hub is well-known on campus for his friendliness, his humor, and his warmth with students and colleagues across the campus,” President Maurer lauded. “You leave a nearly 20-year legacy here at the college of deep relationships, of service, and of vibrant commitment to Christ and Montreat College. We wish you well in your transition to retirement.”
During the ceremony, both professors were presented with gifts as a token of appreciation for their service and dedication to Montreat College. Dr. Powell was given a copy of the Bill of Rights on authentic parchment, while Dr. Neuzil received an original artwork from fellow Education professor Amy Flagler and a Scripture journal highlighting Proverbs 16:9: “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
In addition to Dr. Neuzil and Dr. Powell, Dr. John N. Pope has retired as Associate Professor of Counselor Education for Montreat’s School of Adult and Graduate Studies.